Monday 6 February 2012

Directors Pitch

Idea for video: I will be creating a video based on performance of the band, sticking to codes and conventions these performance shots will be close ups of instruments, singer and. The band playing together. I will also be adding in concept to this video, the idea for this section comes from the idea if the song, 'We Were Children' the past childhood, so I will use shots of child related things, parks, old bikes.

Intertextual: no Intertextual references to be seen in my video.

Location: I will be filming in a forest clearing, I have chosen this location as I think it can link with the song idea, children like forests, it's an adventure to them, so I will be using it as a link to the title and concept. Also the fact that it is an empty forest the attention will not be on the surroundings but on the band instead.

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