Title: Evening/Morning
Artist: Bombay Bicycle Club
Genre: Indie/Rock/Folk, the differant genres are shown in this video. The Indie side of it is shown through the use of the panda costume in the beginning of the video, it shows how the band are not conforming to standard videos of people singing to the audiences it is a more comical view approach to the video.
Lyrics and Visuals: There is a definate relationship between the lyrics and the visuals in this video, for example the lyrics say "Speak at slower speeds" at this point we see the lead singer running but in a almost slow motion camera. This is showing how the director of this video is reinforcing the lyrics and the message through use of visual imagery to help the audience understand the song. However the rest of the time the lyrics do not seem to match the visuals and there is no relationship between them, possibly showing how this video is not meant to reflect he song as much as others would.
Music and Visuals: In this video there is no relationship between the music and visuals in this video until the band are all playing on the side of the road and their clothes are changing colour in time with the drum beat and tempo of the guitars. After this the editing goes back to not matching the visuals again until the end of the video where they are doing star jumps in time to the music again.
Close ups/Star Motifs: Close up of lead singer at the start of the video as he is chased by the two men through the town and estate area. As the rest of the band play instruments the camera cuts to close ups of each of them aswell, this is aswell as close ups of the artists instruments, a convention seen alot in music like this. No real star persona is attempted to be created in this video ,they dont seem to want to be presented as Stars, this is something usually seen in Pop/R&B videos.
Notion of looking: Once in the whole video we seem to be watching the events take place, the rest of the time we are infront of the action with the artists appearing to be singing to us in a almost self reflexive way.
Intertextual: No intertextual referances I can pick up.
This video is both narrative and performance based, as it shows a story of the band member being chased through streets by two men, this is the narrative even though it appears not to suit the lyrics being sung by the band.
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