Monday, 16 January 2012

Music Video Analysis- Turn Tail- Young Knives

Title: Turn Tail
Artist: Young Knives

Genre: Indie Rock, video has a greyish tint to it, this video is not shot in a studio but instead on location and uses live footage from the badn, contray to the videos of genres like pop where the videos are usually post edited and shot in high value studios with proffesional dancers and so on.
lyrics and visuals: Lyrics in this video link with what is being shown on screen. For example at the start the video shows a rat in cage, the focus is on the rat, the song says "These are my hands" at this point the camera cuts to a close up of the rats paws on the cage bars. "They can break down brick walls" shows the cage bars with the rat on the inside again. These show a strong connection of lyrics and visuals throughout this video and is a good example of an artist reinforcing their point through use of visual representaions of what is being sung about.

Music and visuals: There is a relationship with music and visuals, this is the way that when the images on screen cuts to the next image in time with the songs tempo, in this case it is with the beat of the drum. This video clearly demonstrates this at 2:47 into the song where the rat ball is rolling down the road and cuts to differant angles in time with the drum beat of the song.

Close Ups/Star Motifs: There are no close ups of the actual artists until late into the song from the begining until 3:44 the video is folowing the story of this rat escaping into the world and getting out of his cage, perhaps this is metaphorical for the band, they could be using the rat to show a point to the audiences. When the video moves on to the concert footage there are plenty of close ups on the artists and instruments, this is a common convention of Indie/Rock music videos.

Notion of looking: We as the audience are always watching the rat in its ball, in this sense we are looking but not in a voyeruistic sense, more of a bypasser observing something.

Intertextual?: There are no intertextual referances in this video that i can see or pick up.

This video is a mix of narrative, the rat escaping its cage and going on a adventure of sorts, also this idea of escape could be a concept that the band are trying to show and also there is a small degree of perfomance at the end of the song where it shows the concert footage aswell as audiences at the concert.

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