Title: We Were Children
Artist: Tribes
Director: Mickey Voak and Dan White
Genre: Rock, the video represents this rock genre by use of live footage, as opposed to studio shot footage that is seen in pop videos. The video is mostly focused upon the audeinces reaction to the rather than have all the focus on the artists. The video setting says alot about the band aswell, it is shot on a shop on camden high street, this is a place where the music will be most appreciated by the people there. Also like many rock videos that use performance footage there are shots of pre-performance set up.
Lyrics and Visuals: Nothing that the band sing about is shown through the visuals, the visuals mostly just stay at the live performance and not stray away to images linking to the lyrics.
Music and visuals: Cuts in time with the beat of the song, this is especially true with shots of the audience as the camera cuts with the beat of the song. It is also true with the shots of the band during the chorus of the song.
Title: We Were Children
Artist: Tribes
Director: Mickey Voak and Dan White
Genre: Rock, the video represents this rock genre by use of live footage, as opposed to studio shot footage that is seen in pop videos. The video is mostly focused upon the audeinces reaction to the rather than have all the focus on the artists. The video setting says alot about the band aswell, it is shot on a shop on camden high street, this is a place where the music will be most appreciated by the people there. Also like many rock videos that use performance footage there are shots of pre-performance set up.
Lyrics and Visuals: Nothing that the band sing about is shown through the visuals, the visuals mostly just stay at the live performance and not stray away to images linking to the lyrics.
Music and visuals: Cuts in time with the beat of the song, this is especially true with shots of the audience as the camera cuts with the beat of the song. It is also true with the shots of the band during the chorus of the song.
Close ups/Star Motifs: All the band memebers have close ups of them during the video, the shots are adding to the creation of a rock star persona. There is also a lot of shots of the audience showing the reactions from them to this band. There are also close ups of instruments, again adding to the rock look of this video, this instrument close ups, especially during solos is a common convention of Rock videos.
Intertertextual Referances: There are no obvious intertextual referances in this video, however in some way it is reminiscient of The Beatles concert on top of Abbey Road studios. However this may not be so obvious to the everyday watcher of this video.
The video is purley perfomance based, no narrative or concept is shown, it is just the band performing to the masses and is a way to advertise themselves in this way.
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